Caring Ministries
To love and serve others are spiritual gifts we celebrate joyfully in our church and in the community. Our Member Care Committee keeps informed on the well-being of members in the congregation, reaching out with hope and healing to those in need. Welcoming visitors, assisting the pastor in visiting homebound members or providing a hot meal are just some activities this committee carries out.
Beyond our walls, our Mission Committee works alongside charitable organizations. We help stock food pantries, serve breakfast to the homeless in Dallas, donate funds or collect requested items for a variety of organizations whose aim is to alleviate human suffering and promote integrity for all people. For more information, please see Let's Serve.
MEMBER CARE COMMITTEE - This committee supports members in times of crisis and celebration, providing prayers, meals, cards for all occasions, phone calls and visits to the home-bound and hospitalized.
HOME COMMUNION - FPC's pastor and elders bring the sacrament to those unable to attend, so that they may be united in worship with their church home.